type glasses and start to work "helping" the individual to "get back to normal"--to "adjust himself to society" and, if possible, to stop being what he is. This is why I say we need new glasses for a new look.

Our Foundation can provide these glasses if it gets some money to do it with, some professional assistance and support, and some eff- ective organization and program and willing help from FPs themselves. It can support research academically and internally which can learn more of the nature of this form of expression and, it can publicize this information to the lay and professional public--particularly to legal, police and judicial persons.

Femme Personation as we know it and show it is not a perversion, sex deviation, anomaly, obsession, or similar terms denoting that "something is wrong". (This is not to deny that cross-dressing as an activity may not occur in persons who for other reasons may have to be classified by any of these terms or others but I am talking about persons in which cross-dressing is the only or principal "unusual" be- havior pattern.) It should be made clear that "statistically uncomm- on" is not synonymous with "psychopathological" and "culturally un- permissible" is not necessarily "morally reprehensible". All a true TV or FP is doing is to seek to express some of the values and traits which, when they were drawn from the common human supply depot, so to speak, were arbitrarily assigned to the female. The world will be a much better place when a rearrangement of values takes place. It is already better because of the emancipation of women who are now able to contribute talents and abilities to the social order which they were previously forced to suppress. When men are free to do the same without hinderance or persecution the world will indeed have made a long step forward and more will be gained for all.

The world may not understand us, but before we can expect it to, we must understand ourselves. We must not only learn about causes but must develop an awareness of underlying motivations within us which help bring about FemmePersonation and find a rational place for them in the general scheme of things. The FOUNDATION FOR PERSONALITY EXPRESSION is the mechanism through which much of this can be accomplished, but it will require the financial support and general co-operation of all if it is to do anything worthwhile. Remember that the job we undertake is not for ourselves only, it is for those who remain undiscovered, lonely and fearful and more than that it is for those as yet unborn. The task is large. Ask yourself if your life would have been easier if TRANSVESTIA and the Foundation had existed when you were 18 and found out about it?
